The Trip of a Lifetime: Where We Stayed

Atti Worku and Amy Vanderoef recently traveled to Ethiopia compliments of Ethiopian Airlines. In between soaking up the arts, food and fashion that this amazing country has to offer, the two crashed at some seriously stellar hotels and resorts. Check them out below!

The Hilton Addis Ababa

The first place the two travelers stayed was at The Hilton in Addis Ababa. This incredible hotel offers beautiful, spacious rooms, an incredible restaurant, and a breathtaking views. Book your stay with The Hilton today

Kuriftu Resorts

After a few days in the bustling heart of Ethiopia, Amy and Atti left Addis and enjoyed a relaxing stay at the Kuriftu Resorts in Bishoftu. With achingly perfect panoramas, Kuriftu Bishoftu is where luxury reaches its pinnacle and service is simultaneously warm, genuine and sensational. Book your stay with Kuriftu Resorts today!


The Trip of a Lifetime: Ethiopian Galleries & Museums


Amy Vanderoef on Seeds of Africa